Friday, June 1, 2007

Testimonies of the month of May, 2007 from PIWC

After the surgery
Before the surgery
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELDER, but you also have a moving testimony?

Brother George is almost done with his masters degree at Clark University in Worcester, Mass but it hasn't been smooth sailing!

Name: George Anim

School and Program: Clark University and program of study is Environmental Science and Policy. It is a two years masters program.


Basically, the challenges I faced during my two years study at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts were many but will touch on few. The challenges involved financial, academic, and socio-cultural. I came to Worcester to school without knowing anyone in America. I remember the first day I landed in Worcester I lived in a guest house paying $ 50 a day for almost one week. This shows that apart from the little support materially I received from the church especially from the presiding elder and his family I had to maneuver to pay my fees and living expenses. I rarely received financial support from my family people back home. Sometimes, I felt psychologically down. I had to make a lot of sacrifice by cutting down a huge amount of comfort in my life. America, a land in which youngsters fight with food (“food fight”: throwing food on each other), sometimes I ate twice a day. My social life was very limited because of lack of personal means of transport.

Financial constraint was one of my major challenges. I came to the States from Ghana purposely to school without any scholarship from my government. My department which is International Development, Community and Environment awarded me 50% tuition fees scholarship. Therefore, I had to work hours initially to pay for my fees and other needs. Not all the text books were in the library so had to deny myself from certain things to enable me get money to buy books.

Academically, the American language in terms of speaking and writing (text books) was very difficult for me to understand initially. The education system in America is quite different from the one in Ghana. Therefore, I found it difficult to understand the concepts initially. One of learning aids is the use of computer and how to search for the right kind of information on the internet. This is something I did not know much about when I came. My accent was a drawback especially in group discussions, though I made valid points. Some of my course mates found it difficult to understand me.

Culture shock was one of my early problems as I thought I was on a different planet. Though, I have been in some of the European countries what I experienced initially in the States was totally new to me.

Regardless of all these challenges, I pressed on because I knew that without wearing a crown of thongs there is no way one can wear a crown of success or glory. I knew God is and was with me during my studies (Psalm 23:4; Hebrew 11:6).

I see the youngsters whose parents, uncles and cousins are here in America as those who have all the life winning cards in their hands. All the excuse they can give is to make it to the top. If they can not make it here in America, how can they in Africa? If they are running or contending with footmen and they are tired or wearied, how can they with horses? (Jeremiah 12:5).

So far, the program has really changed my perception, deepened my analytical powers, multiple ways of solving problems with their cost and benefits. The program has changed my thinking and has equipped me to think in some lines.

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